after orthodontic treatment
We are often asked "How long do I need to wear a retainer?"
The answer? "As long as you want to keep your teeth in the correct position."
Teeth want to return to their starting positions after orthodontic treatment which makes it essential that a retainer is worn after treatment. We say "at nighttime for lifetime!" to keep teeth in their place.
Failure to wear your retainers as instructed may result in your teeth “relapsing” into their previous, less than ideal positions. Changes to your tooth alignment can occur throughout your life as you age due to natural causes, such as pregnancy or habits such as clenching or grinding. As a result, you may find your retainers fitting tightly if you haven't worn them in a while - or in need of retreatment if you've gone quite some time without a retainer.
retainer Types
All retainers are not created equal. Here is an overview of the three most common retainer types - and which retainer Dr. Zach and Dr. Alex typically prescribe for our patients.
Whether you are a former patient in need of a replacement retainer or completed your orthodontic treatment elsewhere, we are available to create a new retainer for you to keep you teeth in an ideal position!